Offering options and methods to arrange transportation and logistics in a perfect way

Consulting services

We will be happy to help you

Ready to make a shift to efficiency and sustainable solutions?
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Sharing knowledge and expertise is something that characterizes W.P de Koning BV. Over the years we have solved many transportation related issues with exceptional and new solutions. Based on comparative research and our own expertise in high efficiency operations, we can provide specific advice on conventional transport, exceptional cargo and more.

Experience and expertise

Many companies deal with high transportation costs, time consuming operations or requirements. Furthermore, complex transportation often comes with high risks and costs. Therefore, every operation basically starts with research, analysis and consultation. By taking a closer look at every part of your process, we find ways to save time, costs and emissions. In addition, we advise you on suitable transportation methods that are more profitable and actually feasible. 

Working method

Many logistics issues start with analyzing the situation and based on this offer reliable and practical advice. We investigate the pros and cons of your project and analyze the current costs and see where we can improve. 

Key Benifits

As a logistic engineer we are dedicated to make your project as efficiënt as possible.
We are able to reduce emissions on your logistic project with our smart loading solutions.
Together with our local contacts all over globe we provide our customers with a suitable solution that is safe and fast.